uh supernatural.......yeah watch it ._. or die yes :3
(i shall have a link later but for now enjoy finn the humans marvelous faiz)
on a side note :P over 200 views :3 im proud......sorta
Age 26, Female
Joined on 3/23/13
Posted by Happy-Little-Trees - July 21st, 2013
uh supernatural.......yeah watch it ._. or die yes :3
(i shall have a link later but for now enjoy finn the humans marvelous faiz)
on a side note :P over 200 views :3 im proud......sorta
So what are you in, some kinda tart-cart, making your way East, picking up the stray apples from your family tree? Who's paying for the hotel rooms, or are you camping on the side of the Interstate?
we got an rv now theres a few more people....
we're staying at other cousins houses
Ooooh yea, I seen that a few years ago.. the two brothers fighting legends and mysteries and such
Bet it's hard to sleep, and you take off early to ride :\ Is this all gonna work out when you get to, what we call, the city? Worse case scenario, guess y'all could camp out here... you could keep the deer away lol
and CASTIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..whom I might assume, is another dreamy guy. That and the family drama of it, may have been the factors that contributed to me not watching it. Which is illogical, since I do like X-Files type stuff.
I trust you'll tell your fans about the super/un/barely natural things you see on your voyage to teh NE. You might as well carry on North and pick up some lobsters and visit Stephen Kings house.
Hope you like Pizza and bagels :) NYC is now Megacity #1 sponsored by Disneyland Administrative Services, and Lexus :| And don't look too long at the "freedom tower", it can amplify evil, if the ancient prophecies are right.
misha collins ._.
(what fans?) i only get the weird shit and new yorks full of it
bagles suck
That gif is hilarious. ._Q
oh yes indeed
Dat gif be meme material, sure!
ooohhhh memes......
You still throw? I never saw this camping tool used a big blade before O__O
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jLNAD6-WcHs">http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_em bedded&v=jLNAD6-WcHs</a>
Yeah sometimes
Quite Q_. lol
Yeah, I ain't fond of bagles myself either, but if you like Italian, shit, you may wanna freeze some and take it back with you, just let the slices defrost a bit, then chuck em in the toaster oven. They don't make cheese like that where you're from |:
Durr fans.... Ben Tibbetts likes your work :) He a genius with music!
Might upload some more shit later someday
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=naked+observer+pic&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=NCXvUebiKsXKyQHK2IGoDw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=664#tbm=isch&sa=1&q=naked+observer+pic+creepypasta&oq=naked+observer+pic+creepypasta&gs_l=img.3...662.662.2.752.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49641647,d.aWc&fp=7338d6aa514ff481&biw=1366&bih=664&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=ZhcLrzVyguPbKM%3A%3BIRdyHz9fu-zWuM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F25.media.tumblr.com%252Fa3ed7c05c5f20fdc2bd2ce47982b3ed2%252Ftumblr_mmiu4wsIgt1s7s53ao3_1280.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcreepypasta.wikia.com%252Fwiki%252FCreepypasta_Wiki%253AChat%252FLogs%252F09_June_2013%3B640%3B957">http://www.google.com/search?q=naked+observer+
amp;biw=1366&bih=664#tbm=isch&sa=1& ;q=naked+observer+pic+creepypasta&oq=naked +observer+pic+creepypasta&gs_l=img.3...662 .662.2.752.
img..1.0.0.oRy85gb6aoQ&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&a mp;bvm=bv.49641647,d.aWc&fp=7338d6aa514ff4 81&biw=1366&bih=664&facrc=_&im gdii=_&imgrc=ZhcLrzVyguPbKM%3A%3BIRdyHz9fu -zWuM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F25.media.tumblr.com %252Fa3ed7c05c5f20fdc2bd2ce47982b3ed2%252Ftumb lr_mmiu4wsIgt1s7s53ao3_1280.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%25 2F%252Fcreepypasta.wikia.com%252Fwiki%252FCree pypasta_Wiki%253AChat%252FLogs%252F09_June_201 3%3B640%3B957</a>
That would be a good thing!
Just got back from signing the release forms, so I'll get some major dough within a month.
Rainbow cake?
too bummed for cake but good for you
I'm too bummed for money... never thought that would happen
"If man had half his wishes, he would double his troubles.'
if i had half my wishes......thered be lots of new types of animals
Glad there's some good weather in the NE for you and the cousin crew... unless you turned around and went back, someone left a phone charger behind I'm sure ._.
i got a new phone
Here's Finn at my age, or damn near... <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/chickenlump/adventure-time">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/chickenlump /adventure-time</a>
i dont like this
a<a href="http://www..">www..</a>. can you wait? Just woke from nap, now have to fill up air in truck tire aaannd run to store before it closes 10pee em my time
How... what's going on?
ohh.. just got PM now :|
fffffff back in a few
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/maquenda/commission-pheonixxfoxx">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/maquenda/co mmission-pheonixxfoxx</a>
I don't know why I liked this, but I listened to the whole thing... happy musics
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_o8VLK52pA">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_o8VLK52pA</a>
i"ll finish it once i get some time off from school hell
bros been pullin on my hair about education
Rrrrr, will you stop lurking and talk already?
A friend of mine for over 30 years came over the house this evening, his mama died :( Gotta go to the viewing bright and early tomorrow
whats there to talk about exactly? what havent we talked about yet?
Back in school already? Blah. So you're staying in Cali then? Seems like a lot of stuff's in Texas.. including your friends, pets, etc... Feeling a little better?
The wake isn't this morning :| Should've checked the website of the funeral home... durr.
Nah over I was suppose to move over there anyways
Pets are over there as well as all my stuff and shit
friends are friends but the better and closer friends are over here as well
I don't think I can feel better. Not ever. But I'm shaking it off and trying to put it in a box and growing in the minds attic i guess
Gunna die anyway, whether I dilute myself in media or not, but I guess I'll give it a go when I go on the cartoononline website, if they have it yet... trendy is hard to find for free.
You should definitely grab the little square on the upper right of your Art gallery (on your main page and drag it up to the top! If you submit one or two more pictures (they can be photos of stuff you meticulously created too), SCOUTED. The you'll have tons more hits, might even make some dough on ad-rev, should you choose to enable it.
its not a cartoon sooo....