Indubitably bluejay :)
Age 26, Female
Joined on 3/23/13
Indubitably bluejay :)
awesome lol
Awesome indeed l: you are :l lol
yer awesomer lol
Nah, it's a completely PG little movie, I kin assure you.
Nooooo, don't get run over!! Brandon was the last one to almost get squished :\
imad yako llew
i think i like going by iris better now
Yer awesomest, bluejay lol
lies lol
Truths! xD
Truths and mango juice! lol
pfftts truths and mango juice lol
mango juice too and fallacy
Nope, nope, nope, nope, truths lol
yknow what? xD we're not gonna do this so just stop and we'll just say i win the conversation :3
Oh Gob, not that name again :p
............thought you said it was only women who obsessed over names? or something of the likes ._.
Ahhhh well congrats on your victory lol
Names, no. Everything else, yes.
How goes yer coconut cream pie?
finished a long time ago
thanks for asking
Ah I see lol. Anytime bluejay
whatcha up to?
Chillin around on the couch, how bout you?
making a list of things i hate about people :P little things big things and everything even
How longs that list goin'? xD
im on the back of my third page
Damn. Dats a pretty big list
i know
Sounds kinda like da hate paper
the hate paper was of just "things" i hated but this ones aobut people and human beings
Ah. I see
im a very hateful person. the littlest things can ignite me
Good to vent it with yer art and dat list and stuff though
i just wish i could tell people about what they bother me with
sometimes do with my sudden burst of courage
Let me know whenever I do some annoying shit aight? lol
sleep schedule ._. been better though cuz im making you sleep unless yer lying :P
We should switch places! I'm sure there's a TV show name that fits, other than 'Trading Places'.
You will need a tetanus shot before embarkation....
so i almost got run over today :3